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Guide for care after Treatment

Please read each aftercare guide carefully. These are here as a guide only, proceed with caution and if needing urgent assistance, contact a medical professional.

Aftercare - Teeth Whitening

After a teeth whitening treatment, the pores of your enamel (teeth) are open, this means teeth may whiten further after treatment and are extra vulnerable for up to 48 hours. This also makes teeth extra vulnerable to any stains which can reverse a lot of the whitening benefit from your treatment.

To avoid staining, try and avoid the following for up to 48 hours:

Sugary drinks, juice, coloured fizzy drinks, alcohol such as red wine, beer, coloured mixed drinks, cocktails.

Try to avoid foods with colour. The more colourful, the more likely it can stain your teeth.

Avoid food and drinks that are acidic. Acidic foods and beverages open pores of the tooth enamel allowing stains to penetrate your teeth more easily. Use a straw to help minimize the contact of these substances with your teeth.

Cut back on drinking and smoking. Frequent consumption of alcoholic and sugary drinks and heavy smoking can reverse the effects of teeth whitening. Many alcoholic drinks such as wine have tannins that can stain the teeth. The same goes for the nicotine in tobacco. If you cannot quit drinking and smoking, at least try and reduce the frequency. 

Use smudge-proof lipstick. Use smudge-proof lipstick to keep lipstick from getting on your teeth because regular lipstick can stain teeth. 


Use the de sensitising liquid Q tips provided by Lit Smiles Perth in teeth whitening pack. To use these, snap where red line appears on one end of the Q tip, once snapped, turn so liquid runs down to other end of q tip (with no red line) wait a minute then apply the liquid by rubbing the q tip around the gums and inner side of the lips. This is intended for soft tissue areas only (gums and inner side of lips) not for teeth.

Avoid extremely hot or cold liquids.

This aftercare guide above is the same for every teeth whitening appointment, even a treatment with a home touch up kit. 

Any queries please do not hesitate to contact your Technician via email alternatively via the website or DM on Instagram @litsmilesperth. Any serious concerns contact a medical professional.

Aftercare - BB Glow

Moisturize twice daily (morning and night). This can be done straight after treatment. Apply gently, avoid excessive rubbing of the skin.

No washing or getting your face wet for 24 hours.

Avoid Saunas/Steam Rooms, Spas, and strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

Slight redness may occur after Treatment and small bumps, especially on the forehand or chin areas.

There is often some BB Glow serum left on the surface of the face, try to avoid excessively rubbing this in or wiping away however, it is ok to take a dry gauze or cotton pad to wipe away some excess serum, try avoiding this for at least 4 hours after Treatment. Be advised some serum may be left on your clothing, hair, and bedding.

If you experience any peeling of your skin do not pick or pull, gently exfoliate, or wash your face after 24 hours and let it come away naturally or cleanly cut any excess hanging skin with sterile scissors. 

Do not wash your hair for 24 hours if it means getting your face wet. It is advised to wash your pillowcases to keep face and bedding clean. 

After 24 hours post Treatment return to your normal daily skin routine of washing face and any moisturizer/cleansers you may use however, if you find any products are making your face sensitive avoid using for 3 days and slowly introduce again.

Use SPF and appropriate sun protection like a hat, sunglasses, and clothing. In general, we recommend sun protection, but the first 5 days are crucial to protect the skin.

​Avoid waxing or Laser on treated area for 1-2 weeks after, depending on peeling, redness, and sensitivity.

This aftercare guide above is the same for every BB Glow appointment.

Any queries please do not hesitate to contact your technician via email alternatively via the website or DM on Instagram @litsmilesperth. Any serious concerns contact a medical professional.

Aftercare - Acne Treatment

Moisturize twice daily (morning and night). This can be done straight after treatment. Apply gently, avoid excessive rubbing of the skin.

Avoid touching your face (apart from applying moisturizer) for 24 hours.

No washing or getting your face wet for 24 hours.

Avoid Saunas/Steam Rooms, Spas, and strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

Slight redness may occur most Treatment, bumps may occur post Treatment, especially around the forehead and chin areas. Treated areas commonly react with redness, bumps or both, this is to allow quick repair by using the serum as an advantage to regenerate faster and better each time.

After 24 hours wash/cleanse your face with water, still avoid any products apart from moisturisers and SPF.

After 3 days post Treatment return to your normal daily skin routine of washing face and any moisturizer/cleansers you may use and exfoliating the skin however, if you find any products are making your face sensitive avoid using for another 2 days and slowly introduce again.

If you experience any peeling of your skin do not pick or pull, gently exfoliate, or wash your face after 24 hours and let it come away naturally or cleanly cut any excess hanging skin with sterile scissors.

If exposed to the sun after Treatment wear SPF and appropriate sun protection like a hat and sunglasses. In general, we recommend sun protection and the first 5 days after Treatment are crucial to protect the skin.

Avoid waxing or Laser on treated area for 1-2 weeks after, depending on peeling, redness, and sensitivity.

This aftercare guide above is the same for every Acne Treatment appointment.

Any queries please do not hesitate to contact your technician via email alternatively via the website or DM on Instagram @litsmilesperth. Any serious concerns contact a medical professional.

Aftercare - Skin Peel

  • Use Moisturiser daily to keep dry and peeling skin hydrated.

  • Avoid excessively hot showers, spas, saunas, and strenuous exercise for 24hours after a Peel.

  • Use SPF cream daily for extra protection as your skin is more sensitive after a Peel.

  • Once skin starts to Peel keep using moisturiser to hydrate, DO NOT peel skin away with your hands if loose parts are hanging you can neatly cut with scissors.

  • Avoid waxing or Laser on treated area for 1-2 weeks after, depending on peeling, redness, and sensitivity.

This aftercare guide above is the same for every Skin Peel appointment.

Any queries please do not hesitate to contact your Technician via email alternatively via the website or DM on Instagram @litsmilesperth. Any serious concerns contact a medical professional.

Aftercare - Microneedling

Moisturize twice daily (morning and night). This can be done straight after treatment. Apply gently, avoid excessive rubbing of the skin.

Avoid touching your face (apart from applying moisturizer) for 24 hours.

No washing or getting your face wet for 24 hours.

Avoid Saunas/Steam Rooms, Spas, and strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

Slight redness may occur most Treatment, bumps may occur post Treatment, especially around the forehead and chin areas. Treated areas commonly react with redness, bumps or both, this is to allow quick repair by using the serum as an advantage to regenerate faster and better each time.

After 24 hours wash/cleanse your face with water, still avoid any products apart from moisturisers and SPF.

After 3 days post Treatment return to your normal daily skin routine of washing face and any moisturizer/cleansers you may use and exfoliating the skin however, if you find any products are making your face sensitive avoid using for another 2 days and slowly introduce again.

If you experience any peeling of your skin do not pick or pull, gently exfoliate, or wash your face after 24 hours and let it come away naturally or cleanly cut any excess hanging skin with sterile scissors.

If exposed to the sun after Treatment wear SPF and appropriate sun protection like a hat and sunglasses. In general, we recommend sun protection and the first 5 days after Treatment are crucial to protect the skin.

Avoid waxing or Laser on treated area for 1-2 weeks after, depending on peeling, redness, and sensitivity.


This aftercare guide above is the same for every Needling Treatment appointment.

Any queries please do not hesitate to contact your technician via email alternatively via the website or DM on Instagram @litsmilesperth. Any serious concerns contact a medical professional.

Aftercare - Enzyme Peel

After an Enzyme Peel your face may be slightly red, this is to bed expected. Face may feel a little tight and smooth. Do not exfoliate the face for 48 hours after an Enzyme Peel.

Keep daily moisturising and continue morning and night skin routine (without exfoliation) washing face as per normal.

Skin flaking is uncommon after an Enzyme Peel however, if you experience any flaking do not pick at the skin let it fall naturally and hold off exfoliating until flaking subsides.

Avoid Laser Hair Removal and waxing on Treated area for 48 hours after Enzyme Therapy.  


This aftercare guide above is the same for every Enzyme Treatment appointment.

Any queries please do not hesitate to contact your technician via email alternatively via the website or DM on Instagram @litsmilesperth. Any serious concerns contact a medical professional.

Aftercare -  Laser Hair Removal

It is important to look after your treated skin by keeping it moisturised by using whatever gels or creams you usually would on your skin, if you do not already have gels or creams, please source any out at your own expense or seek professional advice from a doctor on this. Keep out of the sun for excessive exposure while having ongoing laser treatments as sun exposure may cause skin pigments to darken which will affect treatment. Wear SPF/sun protection if out in the sun and exposed. You may wear fake tan post treatment however, this must be exfoliated and removed prior to any laser treatments. 


Any queries please do not hesitate to contact your Technician via email alternatively via the website or DM on Instagram @litsmilesperth. Any serious concerns contact a medical professional.

Aftercare -  Lip Blush Tattoo

After Lip Blush Tattooing

Expectations after Lip Blushing tattoo Procedure.

Will my colour stay the same as the day I have Lip Blushing? What does the healing process entail? Are there risks?

Lip Blushing results vary with everyone. It is important to know what to expect after Lip Blushing Tattoo procedure and consider all possible risks and side effects before proceeding. After procedure, while each individual varies with the healing process, the lips will be very coloured and darker than the end result for all. You may go through a whole variety of shades on your lips before the final colour sets into place and the final colour will ne about sixty percent lighter than the day after procedure. This is why we leave it around four to six weeks before retouching the lips, this allows us to know the exact colour we are working with and make accurate changes if necessary.

The days and week following Lip Blushing the lips will naturally crust and peel, it is important to not pick and apply tattoo Goo and Vaseline throughout each day. The days following Lip blushing lips may be swollen, a little tender and sensitive however, this should subside and even if sensitive Vaseline or tattoo goo must always be applied, lips can not be left too dry. If swollen and uncomfortable an ice pack with a soft towel covering that won’t catch broken, flaking skin, may be used to cool and slightly numb. Any queries please contact us via the website or DM on Instagram and facebook.


The first few days after Lip Blushing, may experience: swelling, bruising, dryness, flaking, tingling sensation and tenderness. Our lips are a delicate area and while numbing cream is used for procedure this wears off and some or all of the above-mentioned sensations may be felt after numbing cream wears off. During the following days, dryness, and tenderness, sometimes tingling still occurs and flaking or crusty lips occur along with possible tightness. Lips may feel cracked or like they want to crack, this is the skin healing and repairing. Apply tattoo goo or Vaseline throughout the day even f you feel it is not needed, your lips are to stay hydrated, and this will also help soothe.

Lips will crust and start to peel as early as day 2 for some, peeling is normal, let lips peel naturally, do not pick at this area, picking can lead to irritation, possible scarring, bruising and uneven blank spots in tinted area.

While skin is peeling, new skin forms and covers the ink, tint may seem lighter and it will be while healing, waiting four to eight weeks gives the lips plenty of time to heal and colour to disappear and reappear as it’s lasting colour tone, as our skin heals it takes time to flake away and new skin adjust, once skin/lips have healed we can see the lasting lip ink colour and can match with retouching appointment or make any desired changes.

This aftercare guide above is the same for every Lip Blush Tattoo appointment.

Any queries please do not hesitate to contact your technician via email alternatively via the website or DM on Instagram @litsmilesperth. Any serious concerns contact a medical professional.

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